“Melanie Hamrick Is Apart Of My Downfall”

Me with no make up and a hat, Melanie deformed Hamrick in the same look, sans the harmonious features plus circles under her eyes. A mess, look at my features look at hers. One of us is beautiful (no wonder she’s in love with me), which is why she murdered L’wren Scott & raped Mick Jagger. She grew up a loser dedicating her life to ballet, only to be a background dancer. Just wait until I post the troll accounts prior to L’wren’s death where she eludes to her future with Mick in creepy comments like, hello is it me you’re looking for? Unlike rolly polly Alvin Bragg, I did a thorough investigation. Something he’s proven to be incapable of time and time again (read:Alvin Bragg Is A Criminal). He also doesn’t have my abilities, he’s not divine and my goddess senses tell me he collects money from helping criminals. He’s officially an accessory to murder and will be incarcerated. The universe sends people to me when their karma has come, when they’ve got away with doing evil too many times. He will be exposed.

Below you’ll see the good times between Mick and I, as well as the bad. Here we are talking about the Stones versus Beatles (read: Jack James, Me, The Beatles And The Stones) in text one. We always made each other laugh. The second message is him doing anything to get my attention, typical. It was sweet until it wasn’t. The third message is Mick being prescient that Melanie mutilated murderous Hamrick will be his downfall. He knew she was evil and he didn’t buy her any house. He’s literally never even been there, but Melanie is a liar, that’s what she does. Finally her lies are catching up to her. The last is Mick begging for me back in April, I said no, he should have treated me better. I like romance, loyalty, equal give and take, not drama, manipulation and abuse. He blew it. I’m not coming back, he’s not my twin. Every boyfriend I’ve had wanted me back, because I’m amazing. I told Mick that, I know my worth. Now he’s joined that group. Too bad. You shouldn’t have taken me, my love, my kindness for granted. Now you’re miserable about to lose everything, due to an ugly bitch with a deformed face who tried to rape me.

Melanie Hamrick is a nobody. I will be suing her for $9 million instead of $7 million, the amount L’Wren left to Mick. She’ll never come out of debt. She has no career even with a legend, because she’s not pretty, talented, cool, or stylish, she’s a weirdo criminal. A stalker, murderer, rapist, who destroyed everything and everyone around and aligned with her. Why? Because she made a deal with the devil whose come to collect.

Even her ass is gross, Mick Jagger would NEVER choose you. Especially over L’Wren, your time is up. Burn in hell. Via: Daily Mail

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