Xin Nian Kuai Le 2024

Happy Lunar New Year 2024! Beginning February 10th we entered the year of the dragon. Viewed as the luckiest sign in the zodiac, giving it the highest birth rate. That’s right, pregnancy’s are planned for a dragon baby. They represent power, authority, good fortune, prosperity and wisdom. There are five elements to the dragon: wood, water, earth, fire and metal, each correlating to different personality traits. We’re in our wood dragon era: stability, honesty, loyalty.

Wood dragons are the creatives and visionaries. This year overall brings professional growth, social impact, justice, evolution and improvements. “The year of the dragon in 2024 is expected to be a time of visionary leaders, innovators and problem solvers.” What this year holds for you personally depends on your specific zodiac. To find out what the dragon has in store for you: Via: TealiciousTN