Racial Joie De Vivre

Racist tears keep me hydrated, young, filled with joie de vivre. I lap that shit up. And if you’re upset because I used the same favoring that you’ve benefitted from to do a service, it’s not hypocrisy it’s karma. Don’t like how nepotism feels now do you? But it’s totally fine when it’s in your favor? You’re brainless and self-absorb, that’s part of why you’re in this position. I bathe in you reaping what you sow. Trust I delight in every moment your hateful hearts realize the magnitude of karmic justice and fate before you. Not so funny now. Still funny to me tho. Don’t forget the post I deleted: you will have a fall from grace (to fall you must rise to the top). Racism will not be tolerated. I will not repeat myself. How do you combat racism? Via: Mlle Belamour