Types Of Women

I’ve learned there are two types of women in this world, some are mermaids, others are sirens. Oftentimes people get confused, believing them to be one in the same, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Being able to tell the difference is crucial.

A Tale Of Two Sisters is a Netflix documentary, chronicling the sibling rivalry/mutual adoration between Jackie Onassis and Lee Radziwill. When profiling the first lady’s ascent it was made abundantly clear, without her President John F. Kennedy would not have won. While campaigning it was Jackie’s charm that stole the hearts of millions; multilingual and dressed to the nines Jackie could relate to anyone. Receiving this information caused me to further pontificate on the importance of a woman. Not in an archaic sense of sexism, as if we’re objects, but from my viewpoint to determine who I aspired to be. Even stay at home wives appreciate, or depreciate the quality of one’s life. Jackie O, like Beyoncé Michelle Obama, Lady Di…was a mermaid.

Mermaids are beautiful lady creatures who manifest the divine for themselves, as well as their partners. They’re full packages that bring endless blessings no matter the role. One half of a proper power couple. Mermaids are not only alluring, but winsome: intelligent, classy, brave and outspoken.

Sirens once depicted as half bird, half woman in ancient times, have morphed into mermaid like critters. They appear gorgeous and talented, luring one in with song, but it’s all a facade. Up close they are ghastly, fating their admirers to crash. They drain energy, like light going into a black hole.

A simple way to tell the difference is to look at whether your life has gotten better, or worse with them in it. Which one are you? Which one are you partnered with? Can you think of modern day mermaids and sirens? Photo: Clara Berry Instagram