Jann Wenner’s White Audacity

Could Jann Wenner be Ernst Rohm reincarnated? I’d say totally, if Rohm weren’t burning in hell as earned. Both are racist misogynist, with misguided beliefs of white superiority. Wenner the co-found of Rolling Stone Magazine made his viewpoints crystal clear, declining to interview women and all black people for his book. Not articulate enough to be masters of the craft. You mean the craft of rock n roll, the one black people created and white people stole? The irony of how fucking dumb you are.

Your basic white ass thinks you know more about rock n roll than Tina Turner, Little Richard or Chuck Berry? Chuck Berry who Elvis stole EVERYTHING from, then credited as being the creator. How fucking dare you. You who have created nothing except a career stemming from black innovation. From women who have changed the world. You think you know more than Stevie Nicks? Carly Simon? Carol King? What pieces have you created to match theirs? You’re nothing but a plantation master, profiting off others work. Yet have the nerve to question Stevie fucking Wonder. You a nobody without them.
Let me, the only divine here until I create them, a black woman, articulate something for you. You and your entire line will burn eternally, including that doofy, block headed, basic Karen girlfriend your son is dating and her sister. Birds of a feather people. Look who he praises as masters, Mick Jagger, who also profits off the aforementioned culture, Paul McCartney, who I’m sure beat the hell out of Heather Mills, gaslit her and had people cover for him. That’s what’s y’all did to me. I’m only going by your social circle, who you defended, and your children’s behavior Paul. Your behavior as well. You showed your true colors. You still believe it’s the 60s and women are rugs to step on. At least The Rolling Stones credit black people, unlike their racists, mediocre, idiot children. Y’all gonna learn your place, courtesy of Athena. Enjoy your time. Via: The New York Times, The Independent & Today