My Criminal Justice Findings

I’ve been involved in many legal battles and have never loss. Now it all makes sense. I orchestrated this entire Melanie ugly Hamrick case to get justice for L’wren Scott. Also I told her to leave me alone, but she’s in love.
This time I wanted to do things differently, to experience the law from a free perspective, since most minorities through systemic racism have to. Here’s what I found besides Alvin Bragg being a rolly, polly, jail bound, hell bound idiot.

Public Defenders– had Aleksandra Ciric done her job as I tell her to do everyday, she’d have read my article and known that I kept her around to keep an eye on her while deciding her final fate. To jail or not to jail? To hell or not to hell? Thus far it’s not looking good for her for a plethora of reasons. For one, she would have continued to violate my rights had I not been educated enough. She handed me back evidence at the front desk ticket, failing to disclose exculpatory evidence before it got this far. Before I go in on her I’ll give her this final test. She’s redundant in her interactions with me, because she doesn’t look at anything I send her. Despite telling me to send her stuff. Stupidity annoys me.

She makes me believe public defenders are too incompetent to sign with a firm, or she’s overworked, overall she gives me a weak sheep feeling. Like she just follows along with the people above her, because she has no spine and can be easily corrupted. She wants to be accepted in all the wrong ways and it might lead her down the path of the idiots she’s following. I can’t tolerate a coward, or weakness, it disgusts me, truly. Urgh, get a backbone, find some courage, have some dignity.

Working with her makes me feel public defenders don’t try hard in the way these people deserve. If it’s about the pay, sign with a firm sis. You chose to this, do it properly. So far it looks like I’m going to turn on her fully.

Nathaniel Clinic– they offered me free therapy and I was like dope. This clinic in Harlem is where I got diagnosed with my PTSD. Everything was copacetic until one Isabel Adams, the therapist, decided to give me legal advice. Despite my joy at Mick the psychopath Jagger incriminating himself further, by giving me the court dismissal before the government did, then ghosting when he realized all I had to do is switch to the proper court (Supreme, not Federal), nor did I send in any evidence, she told me not to do it. “I thought we decided you weren’t…,” first of all bitch you don’t decide anything for me (she also looks a hot ass mess, hey my superficiality solved a crime thank you very much). She told me I’m black, Mick is white and powerful, I’m not going to win, talking over me and not listening to what I was saying. See I’m actually really nice initially, so people confuse me. Once you get out of line, I’ll end your ass. Don’t insult my intelligence. She then asked me to share my emails next session. Inappropriate.

Now everything she did was indeed illegal, not only is she not allowed to give legal advice, she isn’t allowed to be discriminatory. Both are grounds to lose her license. I asked for a therapist of color and was told there isn’t one…you mean with your clientele being almost 100% people of color, you don’t have someone of color there for them? Not okay. Mulling it over I decided to report her. First I want her to feel unsure, then when she least expects it, destroy her. That way she’ll be replaced with someone minorities feel comfortable with, who understands them and isn’t pushing her white agenda. How many other people is she giving legal advice to who have no idea it’s illegal, to their detriment nonetheless? She’s one of those whites who hates her position, because she wasn’t good enough to get a real therapy gig, but feels powerful in her whiteness. Like Trump voters, poor, uneducated, and jarred when they see black people who have more than them. I decided to show her my legal intellect, rather than tell her. Ruining her life for the benefit of the greater good will be worth it. This ploy to keep people of color oppressed is finished.

306 West 54th Street Precinct– suing that entire place. Not only was Detective Gustavo Paul incompetent, when I had him investigated he tried to pull a fast one. The investigating officer, Michael Giuffre exhibited bias causing me to check something. In the first email he had his precinct information on it. Then he removed it. Why? To help his peer. Currently I’m figuring out how they get assigned cases, co-workers shouldn’t be investigating one another for the bias I experienced. When I confronted him he ghosted, causing me to believe there is a ring of corruption between that precinct and Alvin Bragg. I saw Detective Gustavo Paul’s name on multiple front desk tickets. How many minorities are you illegally targeting and forcing to sign plea deals due to ignorance and duress? I’ll find out.

Had I not been an outlier to the prevalent systemic racism in our education system, I wouldn’t be smart enough to know something is awry. This greatly concerns me, as the people in this system are defenseless. As a protective Goddess I’d be remiss to let this go sans reform. There needs to be an oversee agency and I plan on being heavily involved in social justice reform, based on this experience. I’m everywhere for a reason and do everything with intention. Via: City And State