Melanie Hamrick And The Full Moon

Why March 17th for Lwren Scott to die? St. Patrick’s Day, Patti Hansen’s birthday (how traumatizing to share it with your friends death date), why this day? I sat down in my thinking chair, to think, think, think, the way this nigga Steve from Blue’s Clues taught me. Of course everything came full circle, as they always do (I will tell the homeless story, things just came up). Remember I kept going on about learning about being a witch, the traditions and how the universe was guiding me to study the craft. Well I did learn, about the moon and it’s use in spell work.

Spells for increasing something, like finances for instance are best used with the waxing moon, since it’s light is increasing. Spells for banishing, or removing something are best used during the waning moon, since it’s light is decreasing. But, full moons are the best moons, it’s the most powerful so you can do any type of spell work. Why March 17th? Inquisitive me had to see if this eureka moment was real, I Googled the moon cycles of March 2014 and BINGO, BANGO, the full moon that month was on the 16th, the night before L’wren Scott died. Melanie and her coven cast a spell that night, explaining why L’wren was normal at dinner on Sunday night and had plans to work the Monday she hung herself, calling her assistant to the apartment to do so. She wasn’t depressed, or distraught, none of it was premeditated on her end, that’s why she didn’t change her will, leaving everything to Mick, and Melanie can’t get her story straight. He asked you out backstage to dinner? Or he waited til L’wren died? Or he started an affair with you while she was alive, leading to her death? You tell so many tall tales to these papers who can keep up? Mick doesn’t know, you know why? He was magicked too.

I just had to check one more thing. Melanie flew to Japan on February 15th 2014, L’wren died a month and two days later. Soon after her death deformed Melanie was on Mick. What was the full moon that February? I Googled it. February 14th (VALENTINES DAY LOVE SPELL), the day before she flew her ratty ponytail to Japan was the full moon. She cast a love spell on Mick with February’s full moon, knowing she was going to get a chance to see The Stones, but had to get rid of Lwren, she used the March full moon to do so. As I learned one spell per moon cycle is the most effective, and that’s exactly what she did. February for Mick, March for L’wren.

L’wren was gone a month and two days after Melanie flew to Japan and two weeks after Melanie met Mick at the March 6th show, because Melanie Hamrick and her defunct coven were doing black magic by the moon cycles. That’s why it all happened so quickly. The mysterious death of gorgeous L’wren solved.

There is always an exchange, with black magic you give your soul to the devil. Melanie got what she was promised, but there’s always a caveat with Satan, he ain’t your friend. You wanted to be a famous ballerina and a baby that looked like Mick. Except you weren’t told how the world fame would come to you, or how long the child would live, or how long you would live for that matter. That’s why the devil is a lie. You also didn’t take into account the universal laws: the power of 3’s and karma, what goes around comes around, you reap what you sow. You will pay the devil’s price multiplied, because he always comes to collect

What gutter did she crawl out of? She looks like trash in that bikini. Literally zoom into her face, gross, Mick Jagger would NEVER choose you and Lwren is so hot you could fry an egg. You’re a wannabe, a weirdo, and I’m just getting started. Ugly is ugly and it runs in your family, comes from her dad. It’s an honor for me to eviscerate this ugly bitch for you Lwren.

Lwrens Mysterious Death:

The article Melanie as Lisa covers her tracks with:

Lwren Scott’s Business Was NOT in trouble:

Melanie Incriminates Herself By Stalking Me:

Updated: 11/09/2023