Melanie Hamrick Is Maryann Donchez

At one point she was L Donchez, which I also have screenshots of. Here’s Melanie Ugly Hamrick, under L’Wren Scott’s photo on the day she forced her to kill herself, using the full moon and her defunct coven. She’s the troll account Maryann Donchez. She comments angel under the photo and then likes her own comment. A mentally ill, stalker, trying to wear someone else’s skin.

On April second, Maryann Donchez followed and unfollowed me. She did the same thing on April 16th, but I’m gonna save that for my article this week, showing her in my stories under multiple troll accounts (including this one). After committing perjury, claiming I was stalking her. As if I would ever care about someone so below basic and unattractive. Look at me, I was written into the will and walked away, I have other options. I’m being stalked and copied by powerful people. Anyone who believed her is just as mentally ill, stupid, or both. Or simply racist.

Melanie is obsessed with me, in love and mentally unwell. She doesn’t care that she’s adding jail time, as long as she gets to interact with me. Many people who practice black magic are idiots, without it they lack common sense, dependent on it to make things so. Now that her time is up and the devil’s come to collect, she’s deep in delusion. It’s not her murder rape baby, family, or Mick Jagger she’ll miss most, it’s me. Shaking my head. No dignity, no self respect, no beauty, no personality, no talent, no style, she’s a murder, rapist, stalker, black magician, who took away the freewill of two people, only to find in the end it wasn’t worth it.

It’s finally time to tell that story about homeless people, so everyone can understand their fate in eternal flames. How you aligned with evil, and will pay the price. For many of you, your children will join, the devil loves the soul’s of youth. That’s common knowledge (bring me the soul of a newborn babe). You did this to yourselves, fans, friends and family alike. I mean hello, I found all this evidence down to coven pictures and you thought aligning against me, disrespecting me, not listening was smart? You deserve everything that’s coming. Most of you won’t survive the decade. Sorry not sorry. Enjoy your time. Via: Itsjqboo