Wendi Deng Murdoch Had Rupert’s Back

No matter the ups and downs of their relationship, Wendi Deng Murdoch had Rupert Murdoch’s back. Lest we forget she slapped the shit out of someone who pied him (for this reason alone I’d hang with her, if shit went down in these streets she’s ready with hands, that’s a real one). Unfortunately for her, being friends with the sinking ships of Mick Jagger and Ivanka Trump, her family succumbed to the disgrace of being manipulated by inbred hick Jerry Hall. Smh. I can say I played Melanie uggo Hamrick, along with the aforementioned supermodel, whereas everyone else got played. Know the difference. Gutter bitches like that could never pull the wool over these eyes bb. Melanie looking as such making me a laughingstock, I don’t think so. She can’t even be in the same room as me, that’s a face for radio. Made hilarious by the fact that Raggedy Anne really, truly believed Jerry Hall thought anything positive about her. As Mick Jagger, made a dolt by his misogyny and mega fame, since no one told him the truth for clout chasing purposes, searches in vain for a picture of Hick Hall with stunning L’wren Scott.

Here I am right again, about people he’s known for years. I’m the only one who used Melanie Hamrick the murderer rapist, to my advantage. While people kissed Jagger’s ass, I saw her true form: a talentless, unattractive loser, who wanted to be in for once in her life, by any means necessary (read Why Melanie Hamrick Did It & Misty Copeland Vs. Melanie Hamrick: The Difference). Never trust yes men.

Age, dear Melanie, doesn’t equate to beauty, both Wendi and Jerry are older than you. Both women are a million times hotter, especially the former who never has a problem getting a man. Wendi gets younger, hotter men, than will ever look at Ratty Patty Hamrick. Jerry loves being more attractive than her (read Melanie Hamrick Proves Young Doesn’t Mean Beautiful). Mick walking around with a mentally unstable, ugly nobody, is how she wants it to stay after all the years he’s disrespected her. I’d love to say it was purely revenge, except she’s still in love with him. Risking her children’s lives to be number one in Jagger’s legacy of women.

Point blank period, Rupert Murdoch was emotionally cuckold. He gave Jerry the world, but she did everything for the love of Mick Jagger. She didn’t want me to marry him, have his children, be the major IT couple, overshadowing her. Just like L’wren Scott (read Jerry Hall Is Jealous Of L’wren Scott), but ugly Melanie is a-okay. Jerry used Rupert out of jealousy for two women Mick cared about more and got him removed from his own company (the details of how coming asap). No wonder Mick kicked those shitty kids out of his will, Raggedy Anne’s murder rape baby included. I was the only person who had his back, he blew it. Via: Newsweek & Hello Magazine

Updated: 4/3/2024 1:43am