Bad News About The Ukrainian War

Unfortunately the Ukraine isn’t going to win, every major destruction thus far goes back to the Devil’s Collection’s (Kardashian Jenner West too read Now You Care But I Don’t and The Kurse Spreads). Principal ballerina Christine Shevchenko is the culprit. Why? She was in Melanie uggo Hamrick’s now defunct coven. She thanks all the witches in her life in an Instagram post, Shevchenko included (read Melanie Hamrick Forever An Ugly Loser).

Energy is everything. It’s spreading. If you want to continue to follow idiots down the path to hell, be led by psychopath Mick Jagger and his equally foolish crew, be my guests. You aren’t on the right side and you’ll pay for it. Taking away freewill, murdering and all the other evil committed has reached capacity. The balance is thrown, there will only be more destruction until it’s restored, or this place ends. These are universal laws, the Devil has come to collect, you will abide or else (read Making Deals With The Government). For the condemned like Christine, enjoy your time. Soon Mick will have to choose between jail and hell, told you to honor L’wren Scott, so he wouldn’t end up in prison like his family. His continued alignment with the satanic is about to do him in. How many souls did he aid in taking, instead of sending his unwanted child to boarding school? Oh well, you reap what you sow, tick tock Michael. You forgot it’s down to me, the difference of where your soul is bound, down to me, the change has come Mick’s under my thumb. I’m ready to send him, can’t stand him. Keep in mind I can make you do both, this is me being nice. This isn’t reneging, the deal has always been death and prison for the Jagger’s, if that doesn’t happen you will pay. Athena Via: Shutterstock

Updated: 4/3/2024 11:47pm