My PTSD Diagnosis

All the men in this photo contributed to my post traumatic stress disorder. Binn and Genc Jakupi, my former Miss Lily’s employers, creating it (read Binn And Genc Jakupi Have Zero Remorse). Mick Jagger, my ex-fiancé whom I met at their restaurant, exacerbating it. There’s Gabija Mitchell at the bottom, Mick’s family friend (read Why Mick Jagger Was At Miss Lily’s). What a fucking photograph.

I thought it apt for what comes next. After Melanie Raggedy Anne Hamrick paid Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to commit perjury, covering up the murder of L’wren Scott (read Alvin Bragg Staffs Unlicensed Lawyers), I was put on supervised release. Which offered free therapy at Nathaniel Clinic. It started as another way to paper trial Mick Jagger’s domestic abuse for court damages, but turned into insidious findings, coupled with further trauma. I ended up getting my Karen therapist fired, after she gave legal advice telling me to accept abuse, because I’m a black woman. Made more disturbing by the 0 therapists of color at the time, when 99.9% of the patience are people of color. How many others received detrimental legal advice, worse, followed through with it? FYI it’s illegal for therapists to give legal counsel of any sort. The deeper I dived into the justice system, the more indignant I became (read My Criminal Justice Findings).

On May 25th 2022, I scheduled my psychiatric evaluation. June 3rd 2022, after I was diagnosed with ptsd, they scheduled therapy.

What happened to me isn’t funny. The fact that Mick Jagger believes I want anything to do with him, after all he’s done to me, proves he’s a psychopath. Something is wrong with him, his family, the Jakupi brothers, any man, any person (women helped too), who thinks dehumanizing someone is okay. When I have episodes it’s frightening, isolating, leads to lashing out, constant fight or flight mode, disrupted sleep, insomnia etc…because I don’t feel safe. Based on my experiences, why should I? To get one white man to leave me alone, it took a more powerful white man.
That’s not okay.
I’m not okay.
Unfortunately for everyone involved I’m a divine. Although Zeus isn’t an accurate depiction of the Almighty God, the parable remains the same. I’m so favored I get to borrow powers. I assure you when I say you’re hell bound, it is so. For I’m worthy enough to decide. I earned it. And what trials and tribulations have you endured? Temptations did you rebuke to believe in the Almighty when death knocked at your door? What faith did you show, to question me or mine? I am your karma. A reminder that you will always reap what you sow, so sow well. Athena. Via: Amy Sacco & Jaquana Cornelius