Double Denim Pantones

The first thought that came to mine was the denim on both looks is too matchy-matchy, it would have looked better if there were different denim pantones. Of course I just finished watching the series Stylish with Jenna Lyons, who dedicated an entire episode to this very topic. Does this count as a Canadian Tuxedo? Technically no, that consist of a denim jacket paired with jeans, however the term has loosened to apply to Double Denim looks. Which one is the fit for you? Via: Maison Kimhekim(top) & Boohoo (bottom)

Paint Splattered Tuxedo

Oscar nominated actor and real life sweetheart, Timothée Chalamet rocking a paint splattered Canadian tuxedo. Ripped directly from the runway of designer Sterling Ruby. A vision, so cool, edgy and aloof. Photo: Khitam Jabr