Character Says Everything

In the age of the aesthetics instagram reigns supreme. The devil’s playground, where the vacuous and vapid indulge in delights of quantity, rather than quality. Focused on how many likes and follows they have, who they know. People get so concerned about how they’re perceived rather than who they actually are, especially when you’re an influencer, or knee deep in the fashion game. But here’s the thing, if you have a good character your reputation will precede you.

I’ve watched entire groups of people I once admired, lose sight of this. Becoming so starved for status, power, money, external things that leave you feeling empty. The chaos echoing, then shattering other parts of their lives. Exacerbating the situation is you attract what you are, so if you’re already low vibrating, that’s the company you’re attracting. If you aren’t of sound character: honest, moral, kind, compassionate, positive, stand for something to elevate humankind…usually the people around you aren’t either. When you aren’t being your best self, you need authentic people to check you, to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. The dangers of this can be learned at the end of the film Menace To Society, when Sharif the god fearing muslim is shot dead. No he wasn’t a gangbanger like Caine, but being connected to certain people is enough for you to fall too.

Before taking action think it through, what is the intention of what you’re about to do? Does it align with high vibrations (taking accountability, love, light, joy, empathy…) or low vibrations (jealousy, violence, ego, power…)? Whatever energy comes from it is what you get back, the longer it takes the better or worse it will be. The universe is always paying attention. Via: Psyche Dela Lune