Self Love Is Sane

Me walking away from countless rich men, because they don’t respect me. Wealthy men for me are a dime a dozen, I don’t care about that. Chris Evans thought he could exploit me, bitch please. Despite my distress he kept asking me about himself. “Have you seen my films?” “Which one of my movies is your favorite?” in rapid succession for days. Nigga I don’t follow you as an actor, I have zero interest in your work indefinitely. As I stated before I never got the hype, he was nice to me in my dreams and his relationship with his mom made me believe he respects women. WRONG. No wonder you’re alone. Always respect yourself, karma will handle the rest, as you’re about to see. Via: 50Shades.Of.Goodvibes

Storing It Gets Heavy, Speak Up!

Since childhood I’ve had trouble using my voice if it means protecting others. Even if they were bad to me. I didn’t want to upset anyone, ruin families, friendships, careers. I thought this toxic trait was dismantled, but it’s not. This lesson was necessary, I never put myself first. These people don’t deserve protection, I DO. They don’t give af about my needs, why should I care about their’s? That’s done now. The therapist said stand up to what’s causing this. I’m not ruining their lives, they are, by being predators, racist, bullies, sexist, complicit…I cannot wait until this is over, so I can be alone, go on vacation. Always taking care of someone else, always saving people. People put me on the back burner, because I put me on the back burner.

True colors is what I’ve seen. My objective in therapy is to get over my PTSD, mainly my concern this will happen again. For years now I’ve been trapped, no one should feel this way. No one’s going to steal my joy, replacing it with trauma. May you all burn in hell, but before you go I’ll give you memorable moments. You will all rue the day that you fucked with me, or aligned against me. Good luck. Athena. Are you standing up for yourself, or storing it? Where does it stem from? Artist: Sky Banyes

Spirit Is A Coin, It Has Two Sides

Dead deadass though. Spirit is a coin, like everything there are two sides: good and bad, angels and demons, witches and satanist, light and dark. One does not exist without the other. How would you appreciate happiness if you did not know pain? There’s nothing to compare it to. Via: 3rd Eye Healers

Calls From The Other Side

Paranormal lessons come full circle, in my experience. It’s divined.
It was an average Friday; we all separated into smaller groups, or pairs to drop off our belongings at home, before getting wasted for the weekend. Sara and Paula went off together to Sara’s. Paula had a free house as always, that’s where the entire crew was headed. Jenna and I were the first to meet them. Halfway up the block I noticed their ashen faces, expressions filled with fear and disbelief. The vibe was eerie. We stopped our mindless chatter.
“What’s wrong? Why do you guys look like that?” I’d never seen them so visibly shook. My inquisition was met with silence.
“Seriously what’s going on? You’re acting strange,” Jenna pushed.
“If we told you guys, you wouldn’t believe us,” Sara replied teary eyed.
“…What? Are you guys joking? Just tell us,” perplexed, I was perplexed. What could they possibly say to blow our minds?
“We’ll tell you once and then I never want to talk about it again,” Sara said. “We were in the elevator and her phone starts to ring…” she stops and Paula finishes.
“It was my dad so I didn’t pick up, because his numbers been disconnected,” she inhales her cigarette. Exhales. “He left a voicemail.”
“Wait, what?!” Jenna and I said in unison, it must have been.
“I swear to God, it was staticky and said ‘Paula, it’s dad I love you.”
We all stare at each other.
“You’re lying,” I accuse her is disbelief.
“She’s not,” Sara confirms “It was on speaker, I heard it.”

Paula’s dad died when we were in tenth grade, he shot himself in the head. She was devastated, we were devastated for her. His phone was disconnected shortly after, him calling was impossible, he left a voicemail, she played it twice then deleted it. People can call from the grave? I didn’t understand, but Sara’s not a liar. Blunt, bitchy, but never a liar. We were silent until others pulled up to break the tension. An unspoken agreement, we keep it to ourselves. Cut to…

Over a decade later I’m watching Celebrity Ghost Stories. This black actor is on. I cannot for the life of me remember who, but the story is unforgettable. He goes home to the hood between shooting, while there he stays with his mom and grandmother. Every time a certain childhood friend comes around to see him, they go out of their way to turn him away. Finally he catches his grandmother doing so while descending the stairs, he’s midway when she closes the door. Now this friend was from the streets, gang banging and what not, the actor lucked out finding a different path. Days later his mom tells him the boys been shot. Turns out his matriarchs kept him away, because they saw death around his eyes and knew his time was up.
Shortly after that the actor receives a call, he picks up, it’s his deceased friend.
“Help me, help me, you gotta get me out of here,” his dead friend says.
The actor hears a deep voice amongst the noise, scream “Get back here.” His friend screams no, noooooooo and the phone hangs up. He was calling from hell. Now I’m teary eyed, you can get calls from the dead…Paula’s dad. It all came full circle, the universe designing both experiences for me to experience.

Hell is real. Those aligned with the Kardashian Jenner West coven and Melanie Hamrick, that’s your final destination. I was never joking. You are a soul. When you look into a coffin at a loved ones lifeless body, you always think it’s not them, because the body is a vehicle for your soul. Suddenly it’s a useless inanimate object, a stranger.
You’re going to hell, because it was your choice. I told you what to do to a tee, it was your freewill (a sacred right Melanie doesn’t understand). You cut your life short, you chose eternal damnation. All the evidence was in your face, everything provided for you. How many times did I say the devils come to collect? OWN IT. This world doesn’t need you incarnating again to lower the vibration of humanity.

I’ve seen a demon, at my grandmother’s house during witching hour, waking up my sister and cousin. They saw it too.

It looked like this: short, red eyes, a smile so wide it went off it’s face. The darkest thing I’ve ever seen, with a hat and arms longer than it’s body, curling up, swinging back and forth, never touching the floor. I’ll never forget it. Where do demons come from?…Duh. Was it worth it? Play with me if you want, Monday Wednesday I’ll tell you how a lesson on homeless people went 360 as well. Via: Monsters Amongst Us Podcast & Unworn

When I saw a demon (he wasn’t shadow person, his body wasn’t human form):
Celebrity Ghost Stories (found it!):

The Kurse Spreads

Told you so.
Kanye West went to Haiti to see if he could find something on me, because I’m Haitian. After his family lied to people telling them I was doing black magic, I don’t need to do that. Only Satanist partake in such rituals. And look what happened.

Anyone who is connected to that family, liking their pictures, hanging out with them, wearing their stuff, any energetic ties without my protection, is going with them. Even if I am protecting you from going to hell with them, something bad WILL happen to you. The kurse is spreading like I said, because the devil’s come to collect. People make all these deals, exchanges, failing to realize there’s always a catch. The devil is friends with no one. That also goes for aligning with people of their nature, from the main racist families, something bad will happen to you. We are just at the beginning, it will catch you all. Boo hoo bitches, I told you. Look through the information I already gave ages ago. Can you think of other people who have had tragedy strike? Nicki’s dad amongst other things going wrong with her, everything about Chrissy Teigen, everything about Donald Trump…I mean you do the math. No really use your brain for once. P.S: you guys are lucky I’m telling you in the first place. I’m good, you’re not. Another prophecy came to me, it chills me to the bone. You guys don’t listen anyways, so good luck. Via: Haitian Times & Baller Alert

The Theory Of Gravity

“You can try to keep the magic away, but it won’t work, any more than it worked for Robert Hooke or Issac Newton. They both knew there was no such thing as a world without magic.

Hooke was brilliant, with his ability to think through scientific problems in three dimensions and construct instruments and experiments. But he never reached his full potential because he was fearful of the mysteries of nature.

Newton? He had the most fearless intellect I’ve ever known. Newton wasn’t afraid of what couldn’t be seen and easily explained- he embraced it all. As a historian you know that it was alchemy and his belief in invisible, powerful forces, growth and change that led him to the theory of gravity.” Photographer: Partha Nair

Born A Seer

“You’re that conspiracy theorist that nobody believes, but you’re always right.”-Rakim

Demons, ghosts, the soul within your flesh chamber, you name it I see it, or have seen it.

As I grow older all these ancient proverbs ring truer than true. The eyes really are the windows to the soul. At first it started off as clairsentience, the ability to feel clearly. Energies, other peoples emotions, beguiling objects; walking down the street I could look at the 15th floor of a building and know it was haunted. That whatever resided in there was looking down at me, sensing my acknowledgment. Male, female, century, attire, all things I could pick up. I’d never seen anything when I was younger, with the exception of my grandmother’s house at nine.

Red numbers beamed from the small radio alarm clock, alerting me that it was precisely 2:38am. How bizarre, I never wake up from deep sleeps, was my first thought. The air was stiff and eerie, all the lights out, creating different hues of darkness, the only way objects stood out in the landscape. Separating our room from the living room, where my grandmother slept on her pull out couch, leaving the bedroom to us, were these wooden venetian doors. They were kept open so the industrial fan could rotate air between us. There it was. At first I thought I was seeing things. But this figure was shorter than the fan and it’s eyes beamed red like the clock. He was wearing a hat, with a shirt the shape of a Hawaiian button down, it had shorts on and a grin that was somehow contained and exceeded the oval shape of his face. But it was the arms. Longer than it’s body, the arms curled up behind him swinging back and forth, never touching the floor. This being was not human. Scared to death I nudge my sister Whitney and cousin Breon silently awake, was the apparition real? None of us said a word, but we all saw it, we stared at it as it stared at us grinning insidiously. We were entranced for a good ten minutes. Afraid it would come closer, we wrapped the blankets over our heads, leaving only space for our noses to peek out. I found out that this demon was called the Short Man, often accompanied by the Tall Man. Shadow people. Years later my sister described them both, as she saw the Tall man too that night.

Twenty five was a turning point, my abilities magnified and I couldn’t control them. I started to see things, I mean really, really see them. I was terrified living in a haunted apartment in west Harlem, 3am on the dot and the whole place would come alive. I found myself unable to move with an animal growling in my ear, I’ve waken up with three doctor like figures looking down at me as if they were operating, I’ve heard my name called down the hallway. One day I told my roommates and they’d experienced some of the same things too. However no one saw anything like me. This is why I went to the psychic to know what I was. My estranged father is Haitian and openly practices voodoo. These capabilities are in my blood. The psychic taught me how to meditate, creating a barrier between myself and unwanted entities.

It bogles my mind, the humans myopic minded enough to believe we’re the only beings inhabiting this universe. Animals can pick up ranges of sensory information unbeknownst to us, a dog whistles frequency exceeds our scope. A born seer, I never had a choice, this gift to see souls, to pass spirits along to the other side (which I’ve done for friends and those who come to me), premonitions…it was passed down to me. So when I warn others about someone’s true intentions, or a nefarious being I only need say it once. I have a proven record. Heed my advice, or learn the hard way, either way it comes to pass. Photo: Elle Gramm