Dance Of A Black Man

Dance of a Black Man is my tribute to the men in my life and their vulnerability, which is a strength that often goes unrecognized.

This body of work portrays the black male as an angel, soft yet powerful, with wings
that signify freedom and the ability to thrive.
Combatting narratives of violence, “Dance of a Black Man” instead reveals deep and beautiful humanity that isn’t always shown.

Using movement, drama, angelic
themes, and soft but vast landscapes, this project honors the black men – fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, friends- who have pushed me towards life-changing experiences, shifting culture, and ultimately changing the world!”

Name five black men you’re grateful for. Can be anyone, artists, people you know…why do you appreciate them?

Artist: Breann White

Breann White

“The world is inspired by our natural hair, full lips and bodies and melanin, so I want everyone to recognize the beauty in being black.” In this series Detroit photographer Breann White, uses white space to accentuate the black allure, whilst showcasing the genetic rainbow. Photos: Breann White