Facts About Melanie Hamrick

Everything Melanie Raggedy Anne Hamrick does goes back to L’wren Scott, she’s wearing one of her designs. Mick Jagger is a disrespectful abuser joke, who thinks he’s going to have a tour, a legacy, a career, after breaking multiple universal laws. He’s a psychopath and a victim, but the former is what led him to the latter. And I’m going to teach him a lesson that goes down in history. Let’s give some facts about Raggedy Anne.

-Melanie Hamrick is more than a baby mama, she’s a stalker, murderer and rapist with no talent.
-Melanie Hamrick stalked L’wren Scott, then murdered her in a satanic ritual with her coven (read: Single White FeMel(anie Hamrick).
-Melanie sold her soul to the devil to get rid of L’wren and rape Mick. Now the devil’s come to collect her and all aligned.
-Melanie’s third sexual experience is with an old man she raped and holds hostage, he doesn’t want that murder rape baby.
-Melanie wants my approval and she’ll never get it. I didn’t even post all the troll accounts she stalked me on.
-Melanie had a baby for the child support money, since she’s too ugly to have a career (read: Melanie Hamrick The Rapist). Prior to that she never held a child.
-Melanie was never the principal dancer, always background due to lack of talent and beauty.
-Melanie writes her own articles, then pays people to publish her delusionals and lies (read: Melanie Hamrick Writes Her Own Articles).
-Melanie purchased a ring and a house for herself, pretending her hostage bought her extravagant gifts.
-Melanie is mentally unstable, owning over 100 fake profiles on Instagram.
-Melanie stalked Sebastian Stan, as well as myself. Evidence that was submitted to court on my behalf (read: Melanie Hamrick Stalks Sebastian Stan).
-Melanie planned on murdering the Jaggers, so her murder rape baby inherited Mick’s fortune. Leaving her in control until the unwanted child was 18. L’wren came to me, stopping her plan.
-Melanie doesn’t like the Jaggers, she wishes she were pretty enough to bag Sebastian Stan (read: Melanie Hamrick Wants Sebastian Stan).
-Melanie being in love with me was her downfall, she had plans to put a gay love spell on me (read: Melanie Hamrick Is In Love With Me).
-Melanie was too ugly to hang out with Leonardo DiCaprio (read: Melanie Hamrick Can’t Hang With DiCaprio).
-Melanie only looks good standing next to old men with wrinkled skin and Frumpy Sally Wood.
-Melanie Hamrick is never Mick’s real gf, there was Masha the Russian model, Noor Alfallah, myself and the Brazilian girl he’s been seeing (read Melanie Hamrick Is NEVER Mick’s GF).
-Melanie pretended to be Mick’s Brazilian girlfriend, who was pretty enough to hang with Leonardo DiCaprio (read: Melanie Hamrick’s Boat Don’t Float).
-Melanie holds Mick hostage using the unwanted murder rape baby, because Mick doesn’t want custody (read: Melanie Hamrick Inherits NOTHING).
-Possessing no talent, Melanie trains her murder rape baby to mimic Mick. Hoping to make money off him, as that’s all he is to her.
-Melanie is jealous of sister Rachel Hamrick, the smarter, cooler, prettier, non satanic one.
-Melanie is the reason Mick’s kids were kicked out of the will, minus Lucas Jagger, his favorite (read: Mick Jagger’s Favorite Child Lucas Jagger). They ruined our relationship for an ugly nobody, who has done nothing for them. While Mick gave them everything.
-Melanie Hamrick tried to be L’wren.
-Melanie committed multiple felonies trying to remove my evidence of her murder, rape and stalking of L’wren and Mick (read: Melanie Hamrick Is Hollywood’s Downfall). Walking right into my plan, because she’s a predictable, basic, racist Karen.
-Melanie is one of two devil’s collections and responsible for the majority of downfalls in Hollywood, including Mark Zuckerberg’s, Rupert Murdoch’s, the Kardashian Jenner West, Justin & Hailey Bieber, politicians, aristocracy and monarchs (you weren’t ordained by GOD, you’re a line of barbaric racists), to name a few.
-Melanie tried to break into my facebook, desperate to remove my evidence (read Melanie Hamrick Tries To Remove Evidence).
-Melanie has three different accounts of how she met Mick (read: How Melanie Hamrick “Met” Mick). She can’t keep track of her lies.
-Melanie got the idea to rape Mick from the talented, beautiful, iconic Misty Copeland (read Misty Copeland Vs. Melanie Hamrick: The Difference) and Prince.
-Melanie is going to prison, but made me wealthy af. Thanks ugly bitch.
-Melanie paid Manhattan D.A Alvin Bragg to obstruct justice and commit a hate crime (read The Three Racketeers: Murdoch, Bragg & Hall), leading to the indictment of Donald Trump.
-Melanie’s book is ghostwritten and one of the plethora of abusive acts towards me, by my ex fiancé Mick Jagger.
-Melanie has an uneven face and flat body, which is why she has no other suitors. She needs black magic to get a man (read Melanie Hamrick’s Math Ain’t Mathing). As queen of witches by blood, I took her powers.
-Melanie used Rupert Murdoch for his resources, despite hating him, he’s the publisher of her book. Mills and Boon UK is a subsidiary of Harper Collins, which is owned by News Corp. The Times (she was on the cover) is a subsidiary of News UK, which is owned by News Corp. Directly implicating him in a hate crime against a Goddess. Read Hall And Hamrick Play Rupert Murdoch.
-Melanie is the reason Rupert Murdoch was removed from his company.
-Melanie Hamrick is the reason I’m able to sue two billionaires, Murdoch and Zuckerberg; making me wealthy, while they face jail time.
-Melanie is the reason the Jagger line dies out.
-Melanie isn’t Stones approved, with Charlie Watts and Keith Richards not liking her. She’s ugly, had no social connections prior, is weird, a loser, not cool, not stylish, has no personality (read People Who Don’t Like Melanie Hamrick).
-Melanie was never engaged, or given a promise ring by Mick. I was his only fiancé and the Hackney Diamond album (read Melanie Hamrick Obsessed With L’wren Scott). She’s a liar and fame whore who copies L’wren. The reason the band isn’t going on tour ever again.
-Mick knew Melanie was his downfall, he hates her and knows she’s evil. However not wanting custody of the child he also hates, he screwed himself (read “Melanie Hamrick Is Apart Of My Downfall”).
-Melanie goes by many nicknames: Raggedy Anne, Ratty Patty, Mentally Unstable Mel, Black Magic Mel, Uggo, Deformed Face, Uneven Face, Nobody No Body, with new ones emerging everyday.
-Melanie will burn in hell, like all aligned with her and her murder rape baby. A Goddess finally delivered your fate, stupid bitch.
These are just a few facts about Ratty Patty. Bonus fact she has a tattoo of Mick she got for blood magic (read Melanie Hamrick’s Blood Ritual Spell). She also has a criminal directory I’ll be updating (read Melanie Hamrick’s Criminal Directory). Enjoy your time. Xoxo Athena Via: People Magazine & Daily Mail