Move Mountains Or Don’t

Do what your body requires. Don’t push yourself to move mountains if you’re burnt out and need to move from the bed to the couch. Don’t do the latter if you’ve gotten into a lazy rut and have mountains to move. Balance is key. You hear it all your life, then you understand it. Which are you today? Via: Adventuring Into Lettering

Friday High Day

Officially scared to smoke, my dealer got some new shit that knocks me out like edibles. It was just so unexpected. Always remember to make time for fun. Life is about balance. How are you celebrating the weekend? Via: Karma Legit

Pick One To Cut Out Today

Emotions and thoughts shape your reality, talk about low vibrations these are it. Ever evolving creatures, there will always be something to refine. To live a high vibrational life you have to replace these negative emotions with positive ones like: love, happiness, gratitude, forgiveness, self-respect…Choose something from this picture to fix, maybe it’s another low energy that isn’t included. Personally I don’t experience jealousy it’s a pointless emotion (it does nothing for the person feeling it, nor does it hinder the person you’re envious of), but boy am I always on the receiving end (“friends”, a business partner who would cut her nose to spite her face, gay men who have friends they want to fuck, who want to fuck me, hi Roger Chillingworth and your clown ass crew, also the reason I unfollowed that model who thinks he can hang out with people who racially disrespect me like he’s exempt, insecure women who love the men who love me, people who want to be black, people who seek the attention I fight tooth and nail to avoid, toxic family members…this is why I keep things to myself). Be honest, what do you need to work on today?

I’ve been working on the grudge ball. As someone who can efficiently dismantle people who cross me, it can be hard not to seek vengeance. Especially when minding my business. In the past my lesson was to stand up for myself, now it’s about letting go. Balance is key, every lesson has a time and a place. So instead of reminding the basic, vapid, idiotic, superficial people who couldn’t buy the experiences I have, who despite my saying it a million times don’t understand I value the things that have meaning. If I wanted the things you covet I could have them, how is it that you know me again? Exactly. Not only will I have those material items on my own terms, but I have a spiritual fulfillment most of you will never achieve. You’re too focused on the external. I wake up without that void that consumes you everyday and for that I feel bad for you. So I forgive you, gods got it. Hopefully one day you’ll experience this true joy, to know yourself whole. Artist: Sammy Jo