PSA: Safe Abortions Matter

“I’ve heard girls at my school talk. These are conversations I snatch from the air like we take down clothes that have crusted dry on a clothesline. The girls say that if you’re pregnant and you take a month’s worth of birth control pills, it will make your period come. Say if you drink bleach, you get sick, and it will make what will become the baby come out. Say if you hit yourself really hard in the stomach, throw yourself on the metal edge of a car and it hits you low enough to call bruises, it could bring a miscarriage. Say that this is what you do when you can’t afford an abortion, when you can’t have a baby, when nobody wants what is inside of you.

In the bathroom, I bend over standing and knead my stomach, knead the melon to pulp, but it just keeps springing back: ripe. Intent on bearing seed. I could find something big enough and hard enough to jump on: Daddy’s dump truck hood, Daddy’s tractor, one of the old washing machines out in the yard. We have bleach in the laundry room. Only thing I wouldn’t be able to find is the birth control pills; I’ve never had a prescription, wouldn’t have money to get them if I did, don’t have any girlfriends to ask for some, and never been to the Health Department.

These are my options, and they narrow to none.”

-Salvage The Bones

Artist: The Cute Feminist

Justice Sotomayor You’re…

Free to go. You will not be entered into the play pool. Let me tell everyone something, my patience is white women’s lips thin, Melanie Hamrick lines on loose leaf paper lips thin. I haven’t gone on vacation and I’m not entering the new year with the same drama. Anyone can get it. I’m over it. Gee golly do you think I know what I’m talking about, because I’m guardian of civilization and seeing into the future is one of my witch abilities? If humans were wiser the world wouldn’t be ending and I wouldn’t be here. Try me. Ruling with my heart has taught me most of you don’t understand compassion for others, you have none. I will gift that apathy in return. Women’s bodies are not a political playground, I ensure you, you’ll regret it. Via: Latino Museum